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I believe " Successful CRM/CXM " is about competing in the relationship dimension. Not as an alternative to having a competitive product or reasonable price- but as a differentiator. If your competitors are doing the same thing you are (as they generally are), product and price won't give you a long-term, sustainable competitive advantage. But if you can get an edge based on how customers feel about your company, it's a much stickier--sustainable--relationship over the long haul.
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Wishing you Most and More of Life,
Dinesh Chandrasekar DC*

Monday, December 13, 2010

CRM Coliseum- Battle of CRM Brotherhoods - Part 1


Customer relationship management (CRM) Technology has weathered the recession better than many other enterprise software applications over the last two years. Despite the hype surrounding cloud computing, Forrester's latest CRM rankings show that SAP and Oracle's Siebel application still dominate the enterprise CRM market. However, its new report, entitled Forrester Wave: CRM Suites Customer Service Solutions, Q3 2010, also indicates that the margin between these two CRM giants and the rest of the CRM pack is narrowing. Those applications gaining ground include Salesforce.com, CDC, Right Now and Microsoft.

Currently, Forrester rankings show that SAP and Oracle-Siebel are the leaders in CRM software. However, competition is close at their heels. Because the CRM software market has developed immensely in recent years, this has made it difficult to make distinctions between products. The Forrester report stated that the reason Siebel and SAP do so well is because they are both adequate absolute CRM software products that have a tremendously high usability. Even with the high level of success that SAP and Siebel have achieved with their products, other companies are close behind. Microsoft, Oracle’s CRM On Demand application, Salesforce.com other niche players are all treading close to SAP and Siebel’s waters.

I want to get little deeper through this research article to understand how they going to battle it with their strategies and innovation. Let’s start with our Microsoft CRM.

Research firms Forrester and Gartner agree, Microsoft Dynamics CRM is ahead of the pack in customer relationship management for medium to large sized businesses. Although recent reports have shown that Salesforce CRM is a cult favorite among SMBs, Microsoft Dynamics CRM has won the popularity contest amongst the bigger enterprises. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is praised for its ability to seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft products; Dynamics CRM is also structured to allow users to create customized solutions with the xRM framework.

Forrester’s report investigated 15 of the leading CRM systems including Dynamics competitors Salesforce.com, Oracle Siebel and SAP. The research agency conducted their CRM evaluation based on operations, sales execution, cost, customer satisfaction, deployment options, business model, and innovation. To further reinforce Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s leading position in the CRM world, Gartner produced a report naming Dynamics as the best option for large enterprises as well.

What makes Microsoft Dynamics CRM so competitive? The CRM suite is comprised of a comprehensive set of tools and capabilities that allow users to optimize their business relationships throughout the sales pipeline. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is also fully customizable and scalable, making itself a perfect fit for businesses of any size.

In the July Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference. Microsoft announced the new and updated features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, Microsoft’s next version of its customer relationship management solutions.

After a review of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, many of the beta users were very impressed by the new features. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is designed for both cloud-based and on Premise deployments, in an attempt to compete with other top CRM providers such as Salesforce.com, Oracle and SAP.

Below is a list of Microsoft Dynamics CRM’s best features, which can also be found on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM homepage.

1. Users are now able to leverage Microsoft Dynamics CRM for advanced business intelligence functionality. Multiple dashboards can be managed to monitor the overall performance of the business, and the dashboards of Microsoft’s CRM are intuitive and easy to navigate. The new Microsoft CRM add on allows users to benefit from being able to utilize business intelligence information to quickly and easily identify customer and market trends.

2. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 now demonstrates out-of-the-box integration with Sharepoint and Dynamics NAV. Integration with these two products will greatly enhance productivity by increasing the collaboration between front and back office applications.

3. Microsoft Dynamics CRM introduces a feature called “solutions”, which enables users to save customizations and share them with others. This means that users can create different solutions or choose to import ones built by outside developers.

4. Dynamics CRM will also feature Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace, which is a solutions catalog fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics CRM that allows for fast application downloads and connections with Microsoft partners.

5. Finally, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 now allows for cloud development and deployment through Windows Azure. Users are able to apply various development platforms into their cloud solutions, making Dynamics comparable to other top CRM solutions such as Salesforce.com, Oracle, and SAP.

Watch this space for 2nd Part of the article. Good Luck

Your P&C


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