This thought is very special and close to my heart. It’s very much inspired from the movie “Inception” and the theme of movie reads as follows
“In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind a single idea can be the most dangerous weapon or the most valuable asset”. For the people who missed this movie a quick synopsis.
“Corporate thief Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is an expert in stealing information from where it is most unattainable, the inner-most depths of the human subconscious. Highly skilled in the practice of extraction, the process of entering an individual’s dream to steal their thoughts and secrets, Cobb’s life has become completely dominated by his intricate and dangerous career. Wanted by the police and unable to return home to his children, Cobb takes on one last job for wealthy business man Saito (Ken Watanabe), who promises to make it possible for Cobb to travel home should he and his team complete the mission successfully. However, Saito does not want to steal an idea from an individual’s mind, he wants to plant one. Cobb and his team believe this process, known as inception, to be near impossible; but driven by the desire to escape his life bound by a world of dreams and haunted by the guilt surrounding a past personal tragedy, Cobb delves into the target's subconscious in the hope he can finally return to reality. In the movie’s tale of corporate Intelligence, we are asked to ponder this moment's most disturbing epistemological questions: Namely, how are ideas deposited in people's minds and how incurable are those ideas when they are wrong?
I strongly believe “Successful CRM is about competing in the relationship dimension. Not as an alternative to having a competitive product or reasonable price- but as a differentiator. If your competitors are doing the same thing you are (as they generally are), product and price won't give you a long-term, sustainable competitive advantage. But if you can get an edge based on how customers feel about your company, it's a much stickier--sustainable--relationship over the long haul."
Having said all this how would you plant a powerful CRM vision in people’s mind? Is there a scientific method to do this or this art possible only for few talented individuals like our DoM Cobb in inception movie. Frankly speaking I am clueless but something tells me this is possible when you believe such thing can be done. Here are some wild unstructured thoughts on this Inception.
Everything in life starts off as an idea
As benign as it sounds, it is from the planting of this idea in people’s mind that will set in motion the steps that will eventually lead to the vision of building CRM. Once the idea is planted in a person’s mind, it’ll change the person’s reality – forever. There is no stopping it after that. If we think about our goals and dreams, they all have to start off as ideas in our minds. It’s not possible for anything in the physical world to exist without ever having been created mentally. Look around at everything in your reality. Your Laptop, Your spectacles (if you wear them), Your office. All of them began at some point in time as a seed, an idea, in someone’s mind – whether it’s the architect, the designer, the engineer etc.
What this means is you should be pay less attention to what’s possible and what’s not possible (physical reality) and focus more on thinking about what you want (mental reality). Because once you discover what inspires you, that truly drives you, you’ll take the actions necessary to bring it to life. To create your success in the physical world, you have to first have to be clear of how it looks like mentally.
The CRM idea is for your organization to get CEO (Customer Experience Optimization) reality. This idea needs to be planted in the minds of top executives of the organization and once planted it will create a chain reactions and don’t be afraid to answer the questions that it may trigger both positives and negatives.
The kind of seeds you plant in the mind is absolutely important. Expose yourself to best of the best CRM ideas, books, blogs, conscious/driven people, because the things you’re in contact with will affect the kind of seeds planted in your mind. If you expose yourself to junk entertainment and negative people, you’re going to get lousy seeds that grow into weeds. If you surround yourself with the absolute best, you’ll generate top CRM ideas.
Avoidance is not a solution
Or in other words – “Don’t bury unresolved issues”. The best way to deal with our issues is to deal with them straight on. There could be “n” number of challenges in convincing the team for the CRM project. The more you avoid such challenges more they will kill the spirit. The best way is to conceive this idea and try collecting more valid strong facts to support the CRM initiative.
Everything you experience has a root cause
Issues or challenges were not created out of thin air. Every problem we face has its own root cause. For example, if you’re procrastinating on your CRM goals, there’s a reason why you’re procrastinating. The problem isn’t procrastination, something which many people misdiagnose. The problem isn’t lack of discipline either. The problem is something underneath; a root cause to be uncovered and addressed. One main root cause is lack of buying from key people in the organization and the best way to address this not by procrastinating rather than proactively exhibit the tangle benefits of CRM for your organization. if you’re facing a problem, trying to tackle the problem itself will only solve it temporarily. For example, forcing yourself not to procrastinate addresses your procrastination within that one-off incident, but it does not solve the real issue of why you even procrastinate to begin with. Forcing yourself to go to work in a passionless job will help you to last another day, or week, but it does not solve the original problem that you’re working in a place you don’t like. The issue (or manifestations of the issue) will keep coming again and again, in different forms, until you get to the core and tackle the root cause. This is the same problem why people are looped in patterns of behaviors in their life and don’t break out of it even though they try to – it’s because they are addressing the effects and not the real issues that arose to the patterns. Once you truly understand what the root cause is, the issue will automatically dissipate. The same is very much true in the CRM case
When you resist others, you cause them pain you don’t know
Is there anyone you are / have been resisting in your Organization? Every time we resist someone, especially someone close to us, we cause them pain that we are not aware of. The person may seem okay on the outside, but he/she is actually hurt on the inside. This happens when you try to push your CRM ideas to people rather than planting the seed of CRM. The more deeper they are hurt the more shit your gonna face in the CRM journey.
Positive motivators are stronger than negative motivators
In an organization, there are always 2 key groups of motivators. One is fear. The second is love. Fear, or negative motivators, refer to feelings of trepidation or anxiety that drive us into action. For example, doing something in fear of punishment/losing out/competition/being lesser than others. While these can drive us to take action, it’s short-lived. We only act when such feelings are stirred. In the long-run, it creates wear and tear in our system. It also creates inner weariness, as we’re just acting out of fear/pride/scorn.
On the other hand, love/inspiration, or positive motivators, are the true north drivers that will spur us endlessly, day after day, in joy and happiness. Focus on doing what you love and happiness will ensue. If you’re truly pursuing something you love, your love for it will drive you to places which you can’t even imagine. What we need is the true CRM champions who are positive Bees that spread the message of CRM inside and outside of the organization. They create positive vibes all around and set the stage for the CRM start rolling.
You’re not alone in your problems
Sometimes you might feel you’re overwhelmed with problems and you feel you’re the only person in this world dealing with them. However, it’s not like that at all. Everyone, everyone you see around you, has his/her own problems and challenges to deal with. So don’t think you’re by yourself in what you’re going through. If you’re facing this problem, there are at least tens of thousands of people out there who is undergoing the same thing too. You’re not alone. We’re all here for one another. Try to share your views ,opinions with like minded CRM advocates, Evangelist. Consulting is not always expensive atleast with the boom of Social networking consulting made easy and its always mutual beneficial to both the parties. I believe there is lot more to this Inception and these amateur thoughts wouldn’t be sufficient to justify all of that in my mind. Anyways I believe this is a good start and will keep exploring more of it and watch this space for the Sequel.
How About You?
How do you find thoughts above? Did you have any take away any lessons from Inception or do you have any additional thoughts that are not listed above and if so, Let’s share them with everyone here :)
Wishing Merry Christmas, Fulfilled Holidays and Happy New Year
Loving P&C
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